Friday, July 08, 2005

Oh how perfect!

I won't do this often, but I had to share,

If I were a crayon I'd be:


Operator15 said...

My Grandfather's prone to it and I've recently had my first tumor!

It's a momentous day in a young gal's life when she has her first spot removed.

I was hoping I'd have a cool scar I could show as I talked about my harrowing life or death battle, but the tumor turned out to be benign and the scar just looks like someone walked into me with a lit cigarette.

Ce la Vie.

Rae Ann said...

I'm spank me pink too! I love pink. My dad is dealing with melanomas on his back right now. I'm sure I'll end up something someday.

Operator15 said...

Maybe we can start a club and compare spots. :)

peanutbutterfilthy said...

I am Tin Man's Johnson Silver.

Bobbie Mac said...

"klan white"

these are just so wrong.


Anonymous said...

I got Spousal abuse black & Spousal abuse
Tried based on me boxers & got spank me pink......I see a trend here......