Happy Figging Halloween
Once again, I stop by my blog to discover that easily 15% of my visitors are looking for information on figging. Well Happy Halloween my burning-bottomed little kinksters! Did you realize there were so many of you?
You should all start a club. Hell, maybe I'll start a club for you... If you're nice. But first, you'll have to come out of the closet, or rather, the spice cupboard, and tell me it's what you really, really want.
You can be the Fig-kateers.
Sing the song with me, will you?
G-I-N... Anyone up for a figging?
G-E-R... Are you ready for the burn?
(I realize many of my readers aren't from America and may not understand the reference to the Mickey Mouse Club, but please don't feel left out. You'd be amazed by how many Americans don't get my jokes either.)
Wow, how many times in life will I get to bring Mickey Mouse and figging into the same conversation, huh? It's days like these that make me adore being literate.
Well, Happy Halloween everybody. And to my pagan friends, Happy Samhain.
I'm going to go wrap myself in seaweed paper, shove a ginger finger up my derriere and tell everyone I'm dressed as sushi.
Hahaha, sushi, funny word. Hehe.
You had me at "Heaven nose."
I read you're blog. It's fabulously funny, but now I'm afraid of you.
And here I was trying to think of a creative costume for Samhain. In fact, I spent all day trying to figure one out & I missed the event completely :-P
Now, about your facination with figging....I'll try it out on one of my "lab rats" and tell you how it goes.
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