Oh Say Can You See Fetish Friday
How can I still be surprised? What part of researching Plushies could have possibly left me with any shred of my soul unweathered? How can anything raise my eyebrows after I saw seven thousand dollar love dolls that were selling like hotcakes. (And how well do hotcakes sell by the way, can anyone tell me that? Anyone?)
But somehow, some way, surprised I am, to learn a new word, invisiphile. An Invisiphile is one who has a sexual attraction to men or women who are invisible.
Perhaps what surprised me most is not the respectable number of internet groups and websites devoted to Le Femmes Invisible but that they each have a photo gallery. Of invisible women.
Let me say that again. They have photos gallerys of invisible women.
To be fair, not all the girls are fully invisible. Some are just fading. Of the fading women, some are just sort of translucent all over and others start out solid at one end and fade to invisible at the other. All the sub-species, the transparents, translucents and the fade-outs have their own fans.
From the guys who were willing to write about their attraction, it seems the fantasy has something of a playful dominance element. Being invisible puts the woman in a powerful position for obvious reasons. At anytime during the day, the invisiphile can imagine himself to be unkowingly observed by his invisible lover. The invisiphile can have no secrets from the object of his affection. Conversely, if she has observed him to the point of knowing him better than he knows himself, it's reassuring the imagine she lusts for him anyway.
The invisiphiles seem to be a fun lot with a sense of humor about their admittedly unusual interests. I guess if you were going to fall for an imaginary girl you couldn't see, you'd have to have a sense of humor about it. Of course, it's better than falling for an imaginary girl you *can* see... that'd be just crazy.
Did I mentions they have photos of invisible women?
Um. Photos of invisible women. Nice. Must have put a lot of work into the photo shoot on that one.
are we ever gonna do this or what?
Sam: Do you think the modeld demand a private dressing room?
Roxi: You you babe? Anything. http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Hills/3384/true_femmes_invisible.html
Madman: I can think of another woman in your life who could use it more. She'd never be able to sneak up on anyone though, the smell would be a dead giveaway.
QB: It's certainly opened my eyes.
Van: I thouht you were gonna email me babe... bring it on!
Billy: True, you never can tell with invisible cats. I hope you don't have allergies.
Hi, all. I'm one of the invisiphiles in question. I'm sorry to say that the webmaster of the site whose URL was posted passed away suddenly back in May, but I can give you some more addresses where you can find pix.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/misterdoesgallery (that one's mine; you don't have to join -- unless you want to, of course -- the front page pic is a good example)
http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/misterdoe/my_photos (the public folders in my Yahoo Photos account)
Hate to admit it, but one day, I will probably own a Real Doll.
Only the best love doll for you babe.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend but I'm glad you stopped by. Thank you for the links.
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