Friday, July 06, 2007

An Impolite Conversation About Money

When done right, there are some great perks to working as a phone sex operator.

Aside from saving cash and time on commuting and dry cleaning, when done correctly, it pays really fucking well.

Now this is not to say all operators make good money. In fact, the sad part of it is that the least paid are often the worst treated. Poor operators being forced to sit by their phones during their entire shift, or even wear headsets for hours on end, waiting for the tell-tale beep of a call coming through. These women are often end up making less than minimum wage when they get done. It's legal because they sign on as independant contractors, which is why it's also legal to offer no benefits or overtime while not with-holding taxes or paying unemployment insurance for them. No, for these poor bitches and bastards, life can be a stressful stream of calls from often abusive men, talking about things they may find distrubing under the supervision of a legal form of pimp or procuress who harasses them to make their minimum average call lengths.

If you're a caller, please be aware that you may be speaking with one of these women who takes a job at home for whatever reason and hasn't yet figured out how to make good money at what she does. it's her job to show you a good time, so even if you ask her about it, she'd be obligated to give some story about how she just really loves to get off with 20 self-indulgant strangers(and one or two kind gentelemen)a night so BE FUCKING NICE!

That said, once operators figure out how to get off the hamster wheel and work for themselves, or for a more, shall we say, appreciative company, it's possible to make pretty good money.

I get an average of $75 per hour for talking plus tips and gifts. Now, some of that goes back into advertising, and I have to spend some unpaid time in promoting myself. Still, my total wage for the hours I put in is around $50 per hour.

Now, I can see the little wheels in your head turning 'oh my gosh, thats's $50 per hour at 40 hours a week for 2k a week.. fifty two weeks a year, figure taking a few weeks vacation, that bitch is banking over a hundred thou a year. Oh gotta start turning phone tricks!'

Cool your jets, happy hooker. It's not that simple. It's true, I make really good money when I work. But unlike those poor call center slaves, I don't get call after call. And while a good number of calls last an hour or more, many end in just a few minutes. So, even among those of us who know how to bring in good money per hour, I don't personally know anyone who makes $100k off phone sex alone. And it's not as though we can go out partying with the money while we're not on the phone. In order to make the money, we have to dedicate the same hours anyone else does to a job, making ourselves availabel for when the phone rings.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Emancipation, the Ultimate Punishment

It’s an eventual fact for even the best of Mistresses that there are sometimes pets who challenge authority. This isn’t always a bad thing. There are certainly Mistresses who enjoy the continual struggle to break and re-break a bratty or out of control pet like an incorrectly set bone. I think it’s fair to say though, that this type of relationship is more about feeding the desire for punishment or drama than about true submission.

I’m not one of those Mistresses who enjoy a good fight.

I recently had a slave whose lack of self-control often led him to email without taking time to think about what he was saying. Each week, his need for attention grew, and on a typical day I would check in to find either one or two email messages from him.

We had a bit of a routine, he and I. I

It’s an eventual fact of even the best of Mistresses’ work that there are sometimes pets who challenge authority. This isn’t always a bad thing. There are certainly Mistresses who enjoy the continual struggle to break and re-break a bratty or out of control pet like an incorrectly set bone. I think it’s fair to say though, that this type of relationship is more about feeding the desire for punishment or drama than about true submission.

I’m not one of those Mistresses.

I recently had a slave whose lack of self-control often led him to email without taking time to think about what he was saying. Each week, his need for attention grew, and on a typical day I would check in to find either one or two email messages from him.

We had a bit of a routine, he and I. On even numbered days, I would receive two notes. The first would be a proclamation of love and devotion and a request for a session. The second letter, coming a few hours after the first, would explain how distraught he was while waiting for my response. In it, he would pour out his angst with many capital letters before ending with the words “I can’t take this anymore, I’m through!” I saw this closing line so often, it may have been his email signature. I’m not sure.

On odd numbered days, he had his calendar set to “apologize” and I would receive remorseful letters of regret and atonement.

For my part, I would lecture him for the silly pet he is, reprimand him for getting his panties in a twist, and punish him for expecting me to wait by the computer for his email. I warned him to respect my free time.

Eventually, his histrionics, and my lack of firm enough limits, led him to cross the line from self-recriminating protestations of quitting, to an attack directed at me. “You should give me more direction,” he said, as though he were paying for daily training. He even dared to tell me “I guess you just can’t handle a slave who is so devoted.”

Of course, a Dominatrix can’t tolerate such disrespect and still maintain her control over the slave, but to mete out punishment for insolence through email on a near daily basis would simply be giving him the service I normally sell. Though he’d been a consistent and well-paying caller, he wasn’t paying me for all that.

The only way I could win this negotiation was to be willing to walk away from the table. After all, it's the person who doesn’t care who holds all the cards. If I was desperate to keep the caller, and his money, he had power over me. That wouldn’t do, no would it?

I told him to find another Domme.

It’s been a month, and he’s back now, willing to behave and pay a penalty fee for having wasted my time. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll take him back. We’ll see.

One last note... I have a former pet who sometimes reads this blog, the following is a message to him, but the rest of you may feel free to eavesdrop.

Oil-man: For the record, no, this post is not about you. I will not consider taking your calls. There are a few things in this world your money can’t buy, my phone number is one of them.

Oh, and I bought the hybrid, bitch. :p,

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Fetish Explained

OK, now I can see what turns guys on about it.

Watch and see...

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Exposing the Hypocrites

Since my last post (ok, rant) about the Purity Balls, I've been seething a bit. I thought about all the sexism and hypocrisy of religious zealots, which started me thinking about the sexism and hypocrisy of so many others.

You see, I speak to these freaky bastards all the time. Especially on the really kinky calls. I've had politicians, judges, religious leaders, and leaders of industry call me from across the world to spank it while I tell them sordid stories about my imaginary antics.

Now, I'm not one to rain on anyone's orgasm, but some of these people are real pieces of work. It takes a real shit to argue against same sex marriage, or even civil unions, when you're a crossdresser and part time cocksucker, even if it's only in fantasy. It's a real asshole who'll say women should be virgins on their wedding day, while he pays prostitutes to play with him. And it particularly chaps my ass to hear anyone preach about the sanctity of marriage while spending thousands of dollars from his married income while talking to me each night, and his wife hasn't seen him at bedtime in weeks.

It all comes down to people pretending to be what they're not for the sake of what they think other people want to see and hear. And the reason they care about other people's opinions usually boils down to money and how much of it they can get from people who like them. The problem is, most of the others are hiding their own freaky shit anyway, and while you're keeping up appearances for the neighbors, you're also perpetuating the problem.

I've said for a long time that if people were just open and honest about what turns them on, the world would be far better off because we would all be humbled.

This issue has bee bothering me so much it's brought me to a decision that wasn't easy to make. I've decided to expose my caller list.

I realized I have no contract with them, either expressed or implied, which would keep me from listing the real hypocrites who call me. Some of the names you'll recognize, most you won't, but whether they're famous, infamous, or only known to their family and friends, they have all shown me a very different face than they present to the world. Sometimes, the dichotomy is shocking.

Want to know about the Minister who likes to talk about being a sex slave? Or how about the "family values" politician who wants me to be his neighbors 18 year old daughter? There's the actor who loves to talk about his politics but hasn't mentioned how many times he's paid two and three girls at a time to wear cheerleader outfits and then calls me to tell the what to do. Or maybe you happen to know the average joe, pro-life shitheel who hasn't paid his child support, but has the cash to give me a ring for an hour.

I'm gathering my list now, and I'll have it posted in a bit.

Check back soon, and buckle up... it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Father/Daughter Weddings? Gotta Hand It To Christian Values

An article caught my attention and chapped my ass.

Seems there are father daughter "Purity Balls" where little girls are dressed up like brides, or prom queens to go on "dates" with their fathers where they will exchange rinds and vows of chastity (the fathers vow to "cover my daughter as her authority and protection in the area of purity" and be pure in their own lives) before having a first dance with daddy and eating wedding cake.

How sick is this shit?

From the article:

"Randy and Lisa Wilson, parents of seven (five girls), originated the purity ball at their Generations of Light ministry in Colorado Springs in 1998. Their mission is to preserve girls' chastity by building healthy father-daughter relationships."

How in the fuck is pretending to marry your dad a healthy father-daughter relationship. Hell, were I come from, it doesn't get much unhealthier than pretending to be Daddy's 10 year old wife and property.

They're only a degree better than the sick fucks who would actually take their daughter's virginity. It's still a father laying claim on his child's body and teaching her that his love for her and her value as a human being is tied to what's between her legs.

Here's a tip to all me evangelical friends out there.. (and I know you're out there, you hypocritical fucks, because I've spoken to you at $3.99 per minute when you mention my blog or others like it) If you want your daughter to save it for marriage, try teaching her that her body, and the care of it, is her own responsibility. Try teaching her that her value lies not in her sexuality, but in her intelligence, her decency, her talent, and her work ethic. Encourage her to be proud of who she is and make her believe a bright future is attainable, so that she doesn't want to risk it all by getting pregnant or sick.

It may not keep her a virgin, but it will be more likely to keep her alive and well and she won't be putting out for the first boy who tells her he loves her and wants to marry her.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

This Is Your Call On Crack

I really hate getting calls from men who are drunk or stoned. Having them impaired by both blinding lust and debilitating chemicals seems like such an unsporting advantage.

Besides, a lot of times, it increases desire while decreasing ability. A man who can't cumm but wants to can be an annoyance. Oh sure, it makes for a profitable call. But it's annoying nonetheless.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I Love My Bulk Mail Pen Pals

I just received an email telling me how I could raise ejaculation volume wih the sender's handy dandy new product.

For crying out loud.. how much more do I need to contribute to the world?


Sunday, January 14, 2007

This just in..

I have an update on the studly sissy..

He does just want to fuck me! He does! He Does!

{{{Dani does the happy dance while breaking out the lube and the lipstick for the sissy who likes to fuck.}}

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why Can't Men Like That Ever Just Want To Fuck Me?

There's a guy I talk to.. we'll call him Rhonda.. wants to be femme.

He looks like Ralph Fiennes with a built up body. All muscles, and meat, and dreamy green eyes. It makes me want to bang my head against the desk to turn him into a woman.

Wax the eyebrows -*bang*

Orange cover for the beard shadow- *bang*

Shave the chest hair-*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang**bang* *bang**bang* *bang**bang* *bang*